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Lenten Meditation Day 19

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Lenten Meditation Day 19
(2) PRAYER: Eternal Father, You prepared a holy tabernacle, the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Blessed be the womb which bore the only Son of God.

Father, Your begotten Son was born in Bethlehem and laid in a manger because there was no room in the inn for Him and His parents. It was so that the world will seek the Kingdom of Heaven rather than the perishable wealth of this world.

Father, this indicated that Your own people were not ready to welcome their King, Redeemer and Creator. There was no room for the King of heaven and earth in His own land.

Lord, You came to Your own people and they did not recognize You. As a King, You came to your own country and they did not know You. When they heard of You they planned for Your death. With that plan, they killed numerous children. A bitter cry and lamentation was echoing in Your land as a welcome for the King. Women refused to be comforted because their children were dead.

Jesus, You bore all these things for the love You have for Your people. But Your people continued sinning and doing all kinds of evil against You and Your Heavenly Father. As a King, they regarded You as their enemy. As a Redeemer, You were a predator to Your own people, whom You saved. Who will, in remembering Your mercy and kindness to Your people, console You enough?

Take consolation. Be comforted, O loving Jesus Christ. May the voice of Your heavenly choirs of angels and archangels praise You and console You. Amen.
Our Father*ā€¦Hail Mary*ā€¦Glory Be*ā€¦

Agonizing Jesus ChristĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Bear it Lord
Agonizing Jesus ChristĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā We love you Agonizing Heart of Jesus Christ
Thy Kingdom come

Calm the heat of Your anger O Lord.
We are sorry, we all have sinned,
We will never sin again.

(3) PRAYER: O loving Jesus Christ, You, Who came into the world to redeem Your people from sin. Oh, the Chief Shepherd Who was treated badly and scornfully by His flock. You came and saw Your people defiling the Holy Temple of Your Father. In your fury, You chased them out of the Holy Temple. But today, men are becoming most carnal by neglecting Your presence in the Holy Tabernacle.

We console You for the sins men commit against You in the Holy Tabernacle, for the coldness and neglect which they show in Your presence, for those who receive You unworthily, and for all the acts of disrespect which men commit against You. Forgive, pardon, O loving Jesus Christ.

Although men crucify You again and again, in Your great mercy bear all these insults from Your loving creatures. O merciful Jesus Christ, accept our consolation, we pray You, and have mercy on Your people. May the voice of the heavenly Virtues console You. Amen.
Our Father*ā€¦Hail Mary*ā€¦Glory Be*ā€¦

Agonizing Jesus ChristĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Bear it Lord
Agonizing Jesus ChristĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā We love you Agonizing Heart of Jesus Christ
Thy Kingdom come

Agonizing Heart of Jesus Christ,
You have suffered, and paid for our lives,
May Your will be done on earth.

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