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Florida woman arrested for ‘smoking crack minutes before giving birth then hiding the baby boy in bushes’ – She tried to run away’

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Homeless Florida woman ‘smoked crack minutes before giving birth, then hid Baby in Backyard
Katrina Kegelman gave birth to a child minutes after smoking crack on Monday
She then tried to dispose of the baby in the bushes of a stranger’s backyard
Carrie Meeks had invited her in after noticing her walking around and wanted to offer her a shower and change of clothes
Kegelman then went into labor on her back porch and tried to hide the baby boy
They were both taken to the hospital and Kegelman was arrested Wednesday
She is out on bail but faces child neglect charges 
The baby boy survived and is now at a hospital

A 24-year-old woman in Clearwater Florida, gave birth to the child on Monday on a patio, then hid the baby in the backyard of a stranger’s home, according to arrest records

Katrina Kegelman was arrested Wednesday after police said she gave birth moments after smoking crack-cocaine and then tried to run away.
In an interview with told KTLA 5 Carrie Meeks who lives in the home where Kegelman left her baby, said: “I couldn’t imagine doing that with my baby.”
Meeks said she noticed Kegelman, who has no permanent address, walking near her home and let her inside so that she could give her clean clothes and offer her a shower.
She then said that she noticed that Kegelman was in labor and attempted to take her to the hospital. However, by the time she was able to call for help, the woman had already given birth.

Katrina Kegelman1Kegelman [photo], gave birth to the baby boy on Monday on a patio, then hid the baby in the backyard of a stranger’s Clearwater, Florida home, then begged the home owner Carrie Meeks not to call 9-1-1. Meeks told her was just calling a friend, but actually stepped inside to call an ambulance.

Katrina Kegelman3
Katrina Kegelman on Facebook posing with a man. She was homeless when she gave birth
 She was out on bond early Thursday morning, and now faces a child neglect charge. Based on her Facebook page, she has at least one other child.

‘There’s not a drug in this world that could have made me stash my baby in the bushes then lie to people and tell them it’s not there,’ said an emotional Meeks.
When fire rescue arrived at her home, Kegelman at first wouldn’t say where the baby was, but eventually pointed toward the backyard. The baby boy survived and is at a hospital, according to police.
Kegelman was also taken to a hospital and stayed there until Wednesday, when she admitted to the incident and was arrested.
She was out on bond early Thursday morning, and now faces a child neglect charge. Based on her Facebook page, Kegelman has at least one other child.

2 Comments on Florida woman arrested for ‘smoking crack minutes before giving birth then hiding the baby boy in bushes’ – She tried to run away’

  1. Lazaro Marino // April 8, 2017 at 11:37 pm // Reply

    I pray for that boy to have a chance at a truly good life, his pos mother has stacked the deck against him! They should immediately investigate the other child and monitor him closely because there is no maternal instinct left in this zombie whore!

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