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Seddique Mateen, father of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen hosts an anti-US radioshow contrary to his claiming he didn’t know source of son’s radicalization

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Seddique Mateen, father of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, hosts political talk show, expressing anti-US sentiments and praising Taliban

Radicalized upbringing contradicts Seddique’s earlier disavowal of Omar’s radical views

Former Afghan official says Seddique’s “Durand Jirga Show” is filled with “anti-US tirades”

Now known that Omar Mateen pledged allegiance to ISIS, was abusive and homophobic – his ex-wife and her father describe Omar as ‘an abusive and unstable man’

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Seddique Mateen, father of Omar Mateen. Strong anti-US sentiments posted on the “Durand Jirga Show”, posted on youtube

Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen pledged allegiance to ISIS; was abusive and homophobic, his father claimed a lack of awareness, earlier today. However, Omar Mateen’s dad ‘is an Afghan man who holds strong political views, including support for the Afghan Taliban.’  He hosts a weird talk show, in which he rants about the United States and once declared his support for the Taliban.

Seddique Mateen has posted dozens of hour-long episodes of his “Durand Jirga Show” on YouTube over the past three years. The clips cast a confounding shadow over the man who initially claimed his terrorist son was not religiously motivated in killing at least 50 people at an Orlando gay nightclub.
Seddique Mateen’s peculiar political passions and attempts at humor. He sometimes pretends to be the president of Afghanistan, and in the most recent episode, he announced he will run for that position — even though the election was held last year.

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Omar Mateen,possibly influenced by father;s anti-US tirades

In one episode, he praises the Afghan Taliban while castigating the Pakistani government.
“Our brothers in Waziristan, our warrior brothers in Taliban movement and national Afghan Taliban are rising up,” he said in Dari.

A former Afghan official told the Associated Press the show is filled with “anti-US tirades.”On the show, Mateem regularly shows a telephone number and post office box that traces back to the Manteen home in Fort Pierce, Fla. The show is broadcast on Payam-e-Afghan, a California station, according to the Post.

man arrested gay prideChaos and mayhem outside the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. Was Omar’s intolorance influenced by his home enviroment, growing up?

Hours after Omar Mateem was shot and killed by a SWAT team, his father awkwardly came to his defense by saying the slaughter was not motivated by religion. Instead, Mateem was “very angry” after seeing two men in Miami kissing near his family months ago, his father told NBC News.
But law enforcement later said the shooter pledged allegiance to ISIS right before the assault, and the terror group claimed responsibility for the deadliest shooting in American history. The killer’s ex-wife and her father described Omar Mateen as an abusive and unstable man.

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Omar Mateen: Abusive and socially intolorant

When Seddique Mateen, whose name was initially reported as Mir Seddique,told NBC his family was “in shock like the whole country” over the attack, he possibly was being economical with the truth.


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