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Reluctant justice! Girl whose texts drove her boyfriend, 18, to suicide is jailed; Michelle Carter given 15 months, allowed to stay out of jail, until ALL her appeals are exhausted

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Massachusetts woman whose texts drove her boyfriend to suicide is jailed
Michelle Carter given 30 months after the victim’s father said she ‘exploited his son’s weaknesses and used him as a pawn’
Conrad Roy of Mattapoisett, Mass., killed himself on July 12, 2014
Roy, 18, took his own life after his girlfriend, Michelle Carter, encouraged him to
When Roy who was threatening to kill himself by carbon monoxide poisoning in his truck, wavered and exited the vehicle, Carter asked him to ‘get back in’ 
She didn’t call his parents or emergency help lines as he was dying
Carter was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in June after his death in his own truck in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, in July 2014 
Judge Lawrence Moniz ruled that her failure to act or call for help constituted wanton and reckless conduct, [that was contributory]
Carter was facing 20 years in prison, victim’s family was pushing for the maximum
Judge Moniz  sentenced her to serve 15 months in prison Thursday,  the rest the sentence was suspended 
Carter will be on probation for five years once she is released
The judge granted a defense motion for an appeal that would keep Carter out of jail until her appeals in Massachusetts courts are exhausted 
A weepy Michelle Carter [above] listens as she was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison on Thursday after being convicted of involuntary manslaughter last month, in the death of Conrad Roy in 2014

A 20-year-old Massachusetts woman who encouraged her boyfriend to kill himself in dozens of text messages and told him to ‘get back in’ a truck filled with toxic gas was sentenced to prison on Thursday.
Juvenile Court Judge Lawrence Moniz said that Michelle Carter will only have to serve 15 months behind bars and the rest of the two-and-a-half years sentence will be suspended. Once she is released, she will be on probation for five years.
However, the judge granted a defense motion that would keep Carter out of jail until her appeals in Massachusetts courts are exhausted. Carter was convicted in June on a charge of involuntary manslaughter by Moniz who said her final instruction to Conrad Roy III caused his death.
Prior to the sentencing announcement, several family members of the victim provided heartbreaking statements that shared how much he is missed and called for Carter to be sentenced to the maximum 20-year prison term.
Related Stories:
Michelle Carter, 20, convicted in death of Conrad Roy – Guilty of involuntary manslaughter for sending suicidal boyfriend text messages encouraging him to kill himself 

Virtual murder by text! 20-year-old Mass woman ‘repeatedly urged [boyfriend] to kill himself ‘ – Michelle Carter charged with manslaughter

The victim’s father, Conrad Roy Jr., cried while reading his emotional statement to the judge.
‘We all felt he was heading in the right direction and over the worst of it,’ his father said of his son’s depression. ‘He had such a bright future and Michelle Carter exploited my son’s weaknesses.
‘She used him as a pawn and she has not shown any remorse. Where was her humanity? How he could she behave so viciously?’   

Judge Lawrence Moniz: ‘I have not found that her age or level of maturity or even her mental illness, have any significant impact on her actions. She is bright young lady, did well In school’
Michelle Carter5.pngVirtual killer’ Michelle Carter listens as the guilty verdict is read at Taunton District Court in Taunton, Mass.June 14
Conrad Roy 5.png18-year-old Conrad Roy killed himself on July 12, 2014 with the active urging of his then girlfriend Michelle Carter, 17

Last month the judge who convicted Carter said her final instruction to Roy in text messages caused his death
‘I will never be an aunt to Conrad’s children, he was my best friend,’ his sister, Camden, told the judge while on the stand.

Carter was tried as a youthful offender, so the judge had several options for sentencing and could have committed her to a Department of Youth Services facility until she turns 21 on August 11.
The prosecution argued for a sentence of 7 to 12 years in prison, while her defense attorney, Joseph Cataldo asked to give her five years of probation.
The judge called the case, which has garnered international attention, ‘a tragedy for two families.’
‘The fact that [Carter is] still at that young age offers a greater promise of rehabilitation,’ Moniz said prior to issuing the sentence Thursday.
‘I have not found that her age or level of maturity or even her mental illness, have any significant impact on her actions. She is bright young lady, did well In school.
‘And I am satisfied that she was mindful of the actions she delivered.’
Assistant District Attorney Maryclare Flynn said: ‘Michelle Carter – her actions – killed Conrad Roy. She ended his life to better her own. She has been convicted of a very serious crime that merits serious punishment.’

Carter's parents David and Gail Carter .jpgCarter’s parents David and Gail in court during sentencing, Thursday.  She made ‘a tragic mistake’ David  Carter said, describing his daughter’s actions before she was sentenced
Michelle Roy, father of victim Conrad Roy .pngVictim’s father [photo] cried while reading his impact statement – ‘He had such a bright future and Michelle Carter exploited my son’s weaknesses’

Several family members of the victim provided heartbreaking statements that shared how much Roy is missed and called for Michelle Carter to be sentenced to the maximum prison time of 20 years.
The victim’s father Conrad Roy Jr, cried while reading his emotional statement to the judge. ‘He had such a bright future and Michelle Carter exploited my son’s weaknesses’

However, while Michelle Carter was found guilty in the teen texting suicide case, she was tried as a youthful offender, so the judge had several options for sentencing.

The options included having the defendant committed to a Department of Youth Services facility until she turns 21 on August 11.

He could have also combined a DYS commitment with an adult sentence, or gave her an adult sentence of anything from probation to the maximum 20-year term.
Carter was 17 when the 18-year-old Roy was found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning in July 2014.
In dozens of text messages, Carter urged Roy to follow through on his talk of taking his own life. ‘The time is right and you are ready … just do it babe,’ Carter wrote in a text the day he killed himself.
The sensational trial was closely watched on social media, in part because of the insistent tone of Carter’s text messages.

Tragic love! Carter [left] and Roy [right] both battled mental health issues.

While several members of the victim’s family including his aunt asked the judge to sentence Carter to the 20-year maximum. Carter’s father said his daughter made ‘a tragic mistake,’ and had asked for probation and continued counseling as a sentence

Roy’s suicide note addressed to Carter was introduced into evidence during the trial. Roy had thanked her for her ‘effort and kindness’
Conrad Roy III talks about social anxiety month before death. Both teens struggled with depression. Carter had been treated for anorexia, and Roy had made earlier suicide attempts. The texts exchanged by the teens shed light on the struggles, but then projected the influential role Carter played in carter’s ultimate commitment to end it all.

Carter’s lawyer, Joseph Cataldo, argued that Roy was determined to kill himself and nothing Carter did could change that.
He said Carter initially tried to talk Roy out of it and urged him to get professional help, but eventually went along with his plan.
Cataldo also argued that Carter’s words amounted to free speech protected by the First Amendment.
In convicting Carter, the judge focused his ruling on Carter telling Roy to ‘get back in’ after he climbed out of his truck as it was filling with carbon monoxide and told her he was afraid.
The judge said those words constituted ‘wanton and reckless conduct’ under the manslaughter statute.
Carter and Roy met in Florida in 2012 while both were on vacation with their families. After that, they only met in person a handful of times. Their relationship consisted mainly of texting.

Roy’s aunt, Kim Bozzi, asked the judge to sentence Carter to the 20-year maximum in her victim impact statement [above]

Roy’s aunt, Kim Bozzi, asked the judge to sentence Carter to the 20-year maximum in her victim impact statement. ‘Twenty years may seem extreme but it is still twenty more than Conrad will ever have,’ her statement reads.
‘I believe she should be kept far away from society. Take away the spotlight that she so desperately craves.’

Michelle Carter 7.png
Remorse: A weepy Carter walks into court to be sentenced Thursday, accompanied by her attorneys

The damning texts exchange between Carter and Roy the day he killed himself

‘IT’S NOW OR NEVER’ – Carter to Roy

Here are a series of texts between Michelle Carter and Conrad Roy that were shown to the court. They appear here chronologically:

June 19, 2014:

Carter: ‘But the mental hospital would help you. I know you don’t think it would but I’m telling you, if you give them a chance, they can save your life’

Carter: ‘Part of me wants you to try something and fail just so you can go get help’

Roy: ‘It doesn’t help. Trust me’

Carter: ‘So what are you gonna do then? Keep being all talk and no action and everyday go thru saying how badly you wanna kill yourself? Or are you gonna try to get better?’

Roy: ‘I can’t get better I already made my decision.’

June 23, 2014:

Carter: ‘How do you want to harm yourself’

Roy: ‘Something idkk yet’

Carter: ‘Please don’t’

Roy: ‘I hate myself I’ll always hate myself, I’m never gonna view myself as good I’m so far behind’

Carter: ‘What is harming yourself gonna do!? Nothing! It will make it worse!’

Roy: ‘Make the pain go away like you said’

Carter: ‘It will make the pain go away temporarily, but when you’re done, you’ll just regret it and feel even worse!’

July 7, 2014:

Roy: ‘If you were in my position. honestly what would you do’

Carter: ‘I would get help. That’s just me tho. When I have a serious problem like that my first instinct is to get help because I know I can’t do it on my own’

Later that day, they talk about how he could make carbon monoxide (CO) in order to suffocate to death

Carter: ‘Well there’s more ways to make CO. Google ways to make it. . . ‘

Roy: ‘Omg’

Carter: ‘What’

Roy: ‘portable generator that’s it’

July 8, 2014:

Carter: ‘So are you sure you don’t wanna [kill yourself] tonight?’

Roy: ‘What do you mean am I sure?’

Carter: ‘Like, are you definitely not doing it tonight?’

Roy: ‘Idk yet I’ll let you know’

Carter: ‘Because I’ll stay up with you if you wanna do it tonight’

Roy: ‘Another day wouldn’t hurt’

Carter: ‘You can’t keep pushing it off, tho, that’s all you keep doing’

July 11, 2014:

After Roy suggests putting a generator in the truck to make CO rather than a water pump:

Carter: ‘…Well in my opinion, I think u should do the generator because I don’t know much about the pump and with a generator u can’t fail’

July 4-12, 2014:

The following was sent over a nine-day span. The *** symbols show a gap in communications between the two.

Carter: ‘You’re gonna have to prove me wrong because I just don’t think you really want this. You just keeps pushing it off to another night and say you’ll do it but you never do’


Carter: ‘SEE THAT’S WHAT I MEAN. YOU KEEP PUSHING IT OFF! You just said you were gonna do it tonight and now you’re saying eventually…’


Carter: ‘But I bet you’re gonna be like ‘oh, it didn’t work because I didn’t tape the tube right or something like that’ . . . I bet you’re gonna say an excuse like that’


Carter: ‘Do you have the generator?’

Roy: ‘not yet lol’



Carter: ‘You better not be bulls***ing me and saying you’re gonna do this and then purposely get caught’

July 11-12, 2014:

Again, *** shows a gap in communications

Roy: ‘I’m just to sensitive. I want my family to know there was nothing they could do. I am entrapped in my own thoughts’

Roy: ‘like no I would be happy if they had no guilt about it. because I have a bad feeling tht this is going to create a lot of depression between my parents/sisters’

Roy: ‘i’m overthinking everything. . f**k. I gotta stop and just do it’

Carter: ‘I think your parents know you’re in a really bad place. Im not saying they want you to do it, but I honestly feel like they can accept it. They know there’s nothing they can do, they’ve tried helping, everyone’s tried. But there’s a point that comes where there isn’t anything anyone can do to save you, not even yourself, and you’ve hit that point and I think your parents know you’ve hit that point. You said you’re mom saw a suicide thing on your computer and she didn’t say anything. I think she knows it’s on your mind and she’s prepared for it’

Carter: ‘Everyone will be sad for a while, but they will get over it and move on. They won’t be in depression I won’t let that happen. They know how sad you are and they know that you’re doing this to be happy, and I think they will understand and accept it. They’ll always carry u in their hearts’


Roy: ‘i don’t want anyone hurt in the process though’

Roy: ‘I meant when they open the door, all the carbon monoxide is gonna come out they can’t see it or smell it. whoever opens the door’

Carter: ‘They will see the generator and know that you died of CO. . . .’


Roy: ‘hey can you do me a favor’

Carter: ‘Yes of course’

Roy: ‘just be there for my family :)’

Carter: ‘Conrad, of course I will be there for your family. I will help them as much as I can to get thru this, ill tell them about how amazing their son/brother truly was’


Roy: ‘Idk I’m freaking out again’

Roy: I’m overthinking’

Carter: ‘I thought you wanted to do this. The time is right and you’re ready, you just need to do it! You can’t keep living this way. You just need to do it like you did last time and not think about it and just do it babe. You can’t keep doing this every day’

Roy: ‘I do want to. but like I’m freaking for my family. I guess’

Roy: ‘idkkk’

Carter: ‘Conrad. I told you I’ll take care of them. Everyone will take care of them to make sure they won’t be alone and people will help them get thru it. We talked about this, they will be okay and accept it. People who commit suicide don’t think this much and they just do it’

July 12, 2014:

In these exchanges on the day before his body was found, Roy expresses more hesitation about his plan.

Carter: ‘So I guess you aren’t gonna do it then, all that for nothing’

Carter: ‘I’m just confused like you were so ready and determined’

Roy: ‘I am gonna eventually’

Roy: ‘I really don’t know what I’m waiting for. . but I have everything lined up’

Carter: ‘No, you’re not, Conrad. Last night was it. You keep pushing it off and you say you’ll do it but u never do. Its always gonna be that way if u don’t take action’

Carter: ‘You’re just making it harder on yourself by pushing it off, you just have to do it’

Carter: ‘Do u wanna do it now?’

Roy: ‘Is it too late?’

Roy: ‘Idkk it’s already light outside’

Roy: I’m gonna go back to sleep, love you I’ll text you tomorrow’

Carter: ‘No? Its probably the best time now because everyone’s sleeping. Just go somewhere in your truck. And no one’s really out right now because it’s an awkward time’

Carter: ‘If u don’t do it now you’re never gonna do it’

Carter: ‘And u can say you’ll do it tomorrow but you probably won’t’


Carter: ‘You just need to do it Conrad or I’m gonna get you help’

Carter: ‘You can’t keep doing this everyday’

Roy: ‘Okay I’m gonna do it today’

Carter: ‘Do you promise’

Roy: ‘I promise babe’

Roy: ‘I have to now’

Carter: ‘Like right now?’

Roy: ‘where do I go? :(‘

Carter: ‘And u can’t break a promise. And just go in a quiet parking lot or something.’


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