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Trump and Sanders rock the American political establishment. Win the New Hampshire Primaries

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  To quote the two victors 

…. this is uu-g-e!!


The Sanders and Trump victories indicate a shifting paradigm in American presidential politics. This is not about the individual candidates, rather it is a sign of changing times and ideas. The old concept of static America, frozen in time to be reaped by those who extol time worn practices and beatitudes to appease the voters, every four years. 

The progressive wind of change is here, the new generation of social media aware voters is making a change and they are here to stay. They are conscious  of what they want, what they deserve and how to go about getting it. Ignore them for the ideals of millennials only, at your own peril. 

How will the right and left the embrace and harness progressive ideals to their ends? 

This is the key


NH winner, Democrat Bernie Sanders and Wife Jane    photo:theguardian

Billionaire business man Donald J. Trump and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont rocked the American political establishment on Tuesday night, harnessing working-class fury to surge to commanding victories in the New Hampshire primary.

In the Republican field Trump, a rank outsider just four months ago tapped into a deep well of anxiety among Republicans base and independents i winning handily, ahead traditional politicians like Gov. John Kasich of Ohio and Governor Jeb Bush of Florida. Imagine, a scant four years prior Donald trump was not even registered as a Republican


Republican front runner Donald J. trump  photo: wikimedia


According to exit polling data, and he ran strongest among voters who were worried about illegal immigrants, incipient economic turmoil and the threat of a terrorist attack in the United States.

The win for Mr. Sanders amounted to a powerful and painful rejection of Mrs Clinton. The  former Secretary of State Six months ago was the presumed shoo in for the Democratic ticket. She won the primary here in 2008 over Barack Obama.  The Sanders victory was more remarkable considering that the Clintons have deep history with New Hampshire voters and offered policy ideas that seemed to reflect the flinty, moderate politics of the state.

Sanders on the other hand, has proposed an emphatically liberal agenda to raise taxes and impose regulations on Wall Street, drew support from a wide cross-section of voters who trust him more to address income inequality and expand the health care system.

The Sanders victory in New Hampshire has changed the landscape henceforth for the 2016 Democratic primaries. He is now a political force, viable, and the Democratic establishment must quickly come to grips with leveling the path for fair access to such important keys as the influence of the super delegates and the benevolence of the DNC.

For the Republicans, the Trump victory presents it’s own dilemma. Last week, Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucuses, leaving the RNC with two feisty non-establishment candidates in the lead, both savvy and running contrary campaigns.

Their success in the early states of Iowa and New Hampshire suggests the RNC is faced with the one thing the tried very hard to avoid this election cycle. A contentious, drawn out primary season reminiscent of Mitt Romney vs Rick Santorium in 2012.

The Sanders and Trump victories indicates a shifting paradigm in American presidential politics. This is not about the individual candidates, rather it is  a change in times and ideas. The old concept of static America frozen for those who extol time worn practices and beatitudes to appease the voters every four years. The progressive wind of change is here, the new generation of social media aware voters is making a change and they are here to stay. Ignore them for the ideals of millennials only, at your own peril.

How will the right and left the embrace and harness progressive ideals to their ends? That is the key.


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